Monthly Wrap || August 2019

Monthly Wrap

Here we are at the end of August, and things have happened! Really, more than usual, and on a lot of fronts. Get ready for a bit of a doozy of a recap.

Life Beyond the Blog

Geez, where do I start? I mean, on the plus side, I got a job and I’m doing well at it, I’ve read a lot of books, I learned to sew, and my rabbits are cuter than ever. Plus, it was my birthday on the 21st, and I ended up getting MANY BOOKS. Those are all very wonderful things! I also started going to see a therapist for my awful anxiety brain, and that will, fingers crossed, improve things for me with time. On the other hand, though, my grandma passed at the beginning of the month, and while I think I’m doing okay about it right now, it doesn’t mean it was easy or pleasant by any means. I’m also on the cusp of having to deal with my student loans, which is daunting and easily fills the foreseeable future with no escape at all.

In short (how did I make this short anyway, what the heck?), it’s been a mostly good month, with a couple major factors preventing it from being outstanding, factors that don’t just disappear overnight. All that’s really left is to try and stick to forward motion, but we’ll see how that ultimately pans out. Wish me luck, I suppose.


Books Read and Reviewed

Somehow, I managed to get through 13 whole books this month (if I can finish Minor Prophets this evening lol). My reviews for many of them are already available, but you’ll be able to read my Minor Prophets and The Astonishing Color of After reviews next week!

Probably my favorite read this month, though, was The Ten Thousand Doors of January, and if you haven’t put that on your TBR already, I really hope you will, because it’s a stunning work and I’m still not over it.


Next Month’s Reads

Call me ambitious, but since I’ve been doing 10+ books a month for the last three months (ignoring July, whoops), I’m going to shoot for another reading heavy month! Ideally, I’ll be able to finish The Bone Houses, Gravemaidens, and The Beast on the ARC front, and then tackle both Max Gladstone’s Craft Sequence and the Three Dark Crowns series! Wish me luck, because I’m starting to realize just how much reading that really is. OOPS.


My Top Three Posts

As usual, here’s a quick snapshot of the posts I’m proudest to share this month!

1. How I Choose a Rating

2. How to Survive a Book Blogging Slump

3. The Darkest Minds Series Mini Reviews


Favorites From Around the Blogging World

As always, I love sharing some of the posts this month that made me smile! Maybe you’ve seen these before, and maybe not, but I hope you find them worth the read. 💜

Lottie @ Lottie is Writing shares 25 ideas for blog posts when you can’t think of any ideas!

Jenn @ Jenniely has advice for getting involved in blog tours!

Kal @ Reader Voracious continues the saga of birds versus her entire existence!

Kat @ Novels and Waffles shares her secrets for avoiding blogger burnout!

CW @ The Quiet Pond recaps her series on the costs of book blogging!

Rose @ Stuck in Fiction asks when the right time to reread a book is, if ever!

Tiffany @ Read by Tiffany enters her senior year of college with advice she wishes she’d known back when she started!


I hope August has been kind to you, and so long as everything goes to plan, I’ll see you all around throughout September with some cozy reads and reviews (and maybe even some proper blog hopping at last 😱)!

11 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap || August 2019

  1. Happy belated birthday, Meaghan! Congrats on the new job and all the new hobbies that you picked up in August, sounds like you had a really amazing month! AND you read 13 books?! Teach me your ways!

    I am so glad you love the bird war sagas, thanks for sharing my post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Kal! It really was a good month for the most part. And lol, the 13 books was my “oh god please hire me please hire me please hire me” panic distraction. Can’t actually recommend that route. 😅

      Of course!! The bird war sagas are GRIPPING and I love it (but also omg, I am so sorry the birds have declared you public enemy #1)! 😂


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